Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I CAN Handle the Truth

After reading this post, Melissa sent this article to me.

I don't know anything about the author.
In fact, after reading the article, I scrolled back up to the top to read the mini-bio about him.
The Editor's Note is what caught my attention though.


Camille said...

Good stuff. I love me some information. In that same vein:

rebekah said...

one of the greatest articles i have ever read.

rebekah said...

and it is written by what is clearly someone seeking the truth against his personal affiliations...

the huffington post is a renowned liberal journal. probably just trying to spread the blame around. and the republican party is more than just mccain.

Camille said...

For the record, the Huffington Post article blames the Democrats too.

Lauren said...

What a wonderful article. And a clear example of why I take 99% of any news with a boulder of salt. You always have the most interesting links!