Monday, November 10, 2008

Listening: It's for Your Own Benefit

I like my apple cider with whip cream on top. If you ask me, it makes all the difference in the world.

I was drinking some tonight while cooking dinner. There was a little left in the cup when Bob got home and he assumed it was a cup of fat. You know, the stuff you drain off ground beef while you're cooking it.

He walked over towards Sam as I told him, "No, it's apple cider"...and promptly realized I just lost a good opportunity to fool him. Assuring him it wasn't a cup of fat and it was apple cider, I picked it up and took a sip. He took a step back and said, "Oh sick! Did you get some in your mouth?!"

I started cracking up. I had not, in fact, lost my opportunity. I took another big swig as he coughed out, "Ughhh, I think I might throw up...".
I had to spit the rest back in my cup. I think that's when he figured it out.

Ahhhh, good times.


Laura said...

Yes, I can see this playing out. Haha. Love it.

Camille said...

"You were gonna drink the fat!"

The Microblogologist said...

Who in the world would actually drink the fat, lol?

Katie said...

Classic Bob.

Lauren said...

Yeah, I was kind of wondering, "On what precedent does Bob think that Greta would actually intentionally drink fat?" And I'm hoping - sincerely - that there is none.

OT - I use tin cans (soup, vegetables) for storing the skimmed fat from ground beef, sausage, etc. I keep the can in the freezer, so once it's full I can just dump it in the trash can solid and not have to worry about liquid in the trash bag or going down my non-disposal drain. I used to use our coffee cups, but could still smell the hamburger while trying to enjoy my lattes, ewww...

Greta said...

Lauren - good idea about the tin can. I'll have to start doing that.

And about smelling it in your latters...grody.

Anonymous said...

The thought of frozen fat in my freezer....dont think so.
