Saturday, March 28, 2009

11 PM Activity

It's a strange thing...watching your belly move as someone kicks you from the inside.


Unknown said...

Isn't it exciting!!!

Alicia said...

awww, that's amazing!!

Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah said...

Why do they always do it at night?

(I kind of miss it.)

christiejones said...

How fun!!
Jarrod used to move a flash light across my belly to see if either would poke at it and follow the light. aahhh... memories.

Jennifer said...

I LOVED that feeling!! That's the part of pregnancy I miss the most, I think. Well, that and not having to worry if a dress made me look fat.: )

Corie said...

Oh, I do miss being pregnant. The moves and the kicks were the most awesome thing....

Where in the World are the Powells said...

Totally agreed...especially when it happens in several places at once-a foot here, hand there!