Sunday, March 8, 2009

Picture This...

Today was one of those Sundays that is just how I think Sundays should be.

Sam took a real long nap which means I got one too.

Bob and Sam are getting in some quality outside play time.

And the weather is great. There's a light breeze (so we have the windows open), the temperature is comfortable, and things just feel slow and laid back.


Where in the World are the Powells said...

Agreed! We woke up, went to church, came home and made lunch with the windows open and all the natural light we could get. We spent the afternoon out running errands, going to a park and walking along the river! I love the weather and the comfort of a fun, easy Sunday!

Corie said...

Yup, sounds like a perfect Sunday.

Maybe Sam will make a habit of long Sunday naps for you!!!