Saturday, November 7, 2009

Your Turn. Top the Grossness.

I got a sucker from the teller at the bank drive-thru yesterday.

$5 says you're thinking it was ? flavored. What does that even mean?
It wasn't though! This time, it was strawberry flavored and that stuck out in my mind because I think it's the first time in my life that I haven't gotten a ? or butterscotch flavored sucker.

So, since it made an impression on me, I mentioned it to Bob which led to a discussion about how the ? flavor is just weird and it doesn't taste good...which led to me trying to come up with gross flavors for suckers.

I'm thinking gross food flavors here. My current winner is boiled chicken.

Mmmm, how would you like a boiled chicken sucker?
"Excuse me ma'am, how many children are in your car? Would they like boiled chicken suckers?" Bleh.

Your turn. What would be a gross food flavored sucker?


Laura said...

Mushroom or brussel sprout flavored... well, pretty much any vegetable sounds yucky in sucker form.

Camille said...

Sauerkraut flavored sucker.

Beth said...

I love pizza. But, please, no pizza-flavored suckers. THAT would be, simply, gross.

Lindsay said...

I'm gonna go with a scrambled egg flavored sucker.

Lauren said...

Wow, these suggestions are horrifying so far.

Aside #1: The other day I was at the checkout at Marshall's, and they had these tiny boxes of Jelly Belly beans with 2 different flavors for each color. I.e., the green ones were either pear...or booger. The black ones were either licorice, or skunk. The yellows were buttered popcorn or rotten egg. And you have no idea which flavor it is until you chew it up! Who would do that to themselves?!?!

Aside #2: One time I happened to catch Unwrapped on Food Network, and it was all about candy. I thought you might find it interesting to know that the ? Dum-Dum flavor is what they get when they mix all the leftover flavored candy that isn't enough to make an entire batch of suckers of any one flavor. Waste not, want not, I suppose.

Melissa said...



Greta said...

Lauren - Good to know. Thanks for the info on where the ? flavor comes from.

Laura and Lindsey- Y'all grossed me out the most...mushrooms and scrambled eggs? Sick.

Rachel said...

I'm going to go with...Mayonnaise.

Mrs. Butler said...

lol...just finished boiling some chicken...yeah, that's pretty gross.

Ann Marie said...

sushi flavored sucker

or any fish-flavored sucker for that matter...

i just threw up a little in my mouth thinking about it.. :-/

Dawn S. said...
