Tuesday, March 1, 2011

3 Months - Bo

Alright, here's the deal.
I stink at getting these month posts up.
But I want to do them.
I can't make myself scrapbook.
I don't print out many pictures (which could end badly if we ever have a computer and hard drive crash).
Soooo, I do these posts and that way I have, at least, the first year or so of these sweet boys' lives documented.

Bo was 3 months old on February 20. (This was also my sister and Bob's dad's birthday!)
This isn't the latest I've been in posting a month post, but it's late.

Right now, I should be doing any of the following instead of blogging:
folding laundry
cleaning the kitchen
picking up toys
getting dinner ready
having a snack

(I'm sure we all know what's most important in that list. Ahem.)

Like I mentioned up top, this has to be done.
Yes, it HAS to.

So, Bo's 3 months old. To be honest, I sort of feel like this past month went by slowly. Maybe that's because we had two pretty vicious cycles of sickness run through the whole family or maybe it's because he looks bigger than a 3 month old so I keep thinking I should be saying he's 4 or 5 months, but he's only 3. Does that make sense to anyone else? Probably not.

Anyway, this little guy continues to be easy-going, well really just easy.
He's out of the "I'm a newborn, I'll sleep anytime, anywhere" phase. That has it's pros and cons. This month we had a couple bootcamps...nap in your crib bootcamp and bottle bootcamp.
Both went ok. Yes, just ok. I guess we're still doing them, they've just stretched out a little.

Bo, you are a smiley, sweet, snuggly little joy and we love having you in our family...especially your brothers! (Sam tells us all the time that he loves Bo and asks if we think Bo loves him. Pretty sure he does!)

Grey is a fan too...

"I'm 3! Well...3 MONTHS but still, I'm pretty psyched about it!"

"Oh, hey. I'm just trying to learn to cheese it up like Grey."

"Heh, heh...heh."

"Here Bo, I'll read da Cahrs book to you. Are you wistening Bo?"


Anonymous said...

I'm loving those pictures!! They are so precious. Love to all. MM

Laura said...

I LOVE this post! Can't wait til Bo can talk and we find out if his personality is anything like what you've quoted him as being. :) (Maybe I'll buy you a back-up hard drive for Christmas!)

megan and nick said...

He is adorable! I'm so glad to hear that he's easy-going...I wonder if the third child really has a choice? :)
Who does he look like? I don't feel like I see a huge resemblance to the other boys...

jessica said...

So so sweet. Happy 3 months, Bo! He is beautiful!