Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Regarding dressing rooms and the number of items allowed in at a time...

How did they come up with 6?

I know there has to be some limit so as to lower the "turn-over" time of each dressing room.

Some people will take longer trying on 1 item than others trying on the 6.

Is there an acceptable time for trying on clothes and changing in and out of 6 items resulted in this acceptable average?

What if you have 6 t-shirts and the person next to you has 3 button-down shirts, 2 wrap shirts (where you have to thread the wraps through little holes on the side) and a pair of pants that are too small?
There goes that acceptable average...


Ann Marie said...

I have to admit i got a little annoyed when I went to my favorite store this week (which normailly has NOT had a dressing room limit before) and they told me only 6 items allowed at a time....
I know from my retail experience, a lot of stores will post a limit so to help the dressing room attendants, AND to help deter shoplifters....
so i guess i was annoyed cause i wasnt gonna shoplift and they made me feel like a shoplifter...

Ann Marie said...
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Rachel said...

I especially hate the ones that count your items and give you a little hangy tag with that number on it. . .as if you're going to walk out of the dressing room with one less than you started with.
Don't these people know that it is difficult enough to make it to a dressing room with a baby in a stroller, let alone get REDRESSED and make ANOTHER trip to the dressing room? Do they want my money or not??