Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Talk About Mixed Emotions

There are lots of days around here where I feel like things are juuuust about to spin out of control.

Toys are scattered everywhere, especially under my feet, laundry is piled up all over the place, both kids are being incredibly loud, someone is crying or whining, my phone is ringing, and we're running late to get somewhere.

There are lots of days where I think, "it was so easy with one kid, I wish I had known!" (And then I think, "I'm sure I'll look back and think, it was so easy with two kids, I wish I had known!" ha.)

There are lots of days where I would give just about anything for a break...for some quiet...for a chance to empty the dishwasher completely, put away the folded clothes, work out, read.

And then came today. It's Sam's first day of school.

He's been there since 9 this morning and I pick him up in about 20 minutes. He was so excited and so was part of me. The other part of me cried like a little baby after I dropped him off.

He's old enough that we go through carpool instead of me having to lug in Grey and drop Sam off in his room. This is excellent, especially since I'll have a newborn in a couple months to add to that mix. However, it meant that I had to unbuckle, climb in the back and unbuckle Sam, all while we were waiting in the carpool line, to give him a goodbye hug and kiss.

Upon exiting the van, he hopped right out, looked at me with the slightest confused face, and headed on in. I'm sure he's having a blast.

But me? I had to go qwell my emotions with a Pumpkin Spice Latte and peruse through Target.

I vividly remember when this precious "big boy" was the tiny baby inside me. Now he talks like an adult and poops in the potty...and goes to school! Granted, it's only 2 days a week, but apparently it's a pretty big deal since I'm tearing up just typing this.

Ahem, I did get to empty the dishwasher completely. I put away a ton of laundry - including some clothes that were still in bags from our beach trip. (Shame, shame, shame.) And I got to work out. I'm even getting to blog! But I'm also kind of counting down the minutes before I go pick him up.

So how's that for mixed emotions?


Melissa said...

this post made ME tear up a bit. i was fine sending vale to school until i had to drop her off yesterday for the first day of carpool. i totally feel ya. they are NOT big enough to walk in all by themselves.

i do hope that you enjoyed your morning (and your PSL -is it that time again!?)

been thinking about you a lot. want to hang out again soon.

Lauren said...

Amazing! I hope he had an awesome first day. :)

Alicia said...

I almost got a little emotional reading this as well. I couldn't imagine Shiloh starting preschool ths year, but then some days it feels like that day will never arrive for us.
I'm glad he handled the drop off well and hope he had a great first day of school!

Anonymous said...

that carpet looks aweful clean!

Lindsay said...

I got a little teary-eyed myself while reading this! (seems to be the theme with us commenters :)). He looks like such a big boy in those pictures. I'm sure he had a great time and I know you'll enjoy the quiet(er) time as well.

Rachel said...

He looks so grown up!!!

Those darn mixed emotions are the worst. And best. And mixed up themselves!!

Rachel Garcia, CD(DONA) said...

Oh girl.. when the boys were in MDO I would keep looking at my watch. You are so right.. you love the freedom to get things done..but about all I could do was four hours. Sometimes I would go get them early. but i can assure you.. after that third baby comes.. you will enjoy that break. to just veg on the couch and let the dishes pile up. ;-)