Here’s what I think about that belly.
Current stats...
Due date: 10/10/12
Gender: Girl
Weight gain: 25 lbs.
Movement: Still a lot, maybe a little less but bigger movements. Still head down (yes!) and very low.
How I'm feeling: Tired. A bit anxious...about labor and delivery - not necessarily about having a 4th kid. And just sort of all-around uncomfortable. {big smile}
Approximate 8 month belly shots with Grey and Sam.
And 8 months with Bo.
You seem much more "all belly" this time...which I find crazy considering this is #4. How do you look better than ever? ;) Happy for you guys and can't wait to meet Charli soon!
You look beautiful!! So excited for you guys!
You look great, Greta! I'm so excited for you, Bob & your boys. Adelyn & I are cheering for an October 5th birthday! :)
You look amazing! But seriously, are you wearing that shirt still because it's become a "thing?" :)
Also, October birthdays are the BEST!
You are so adorable. I cannot wait to see this beautiful girl. :)
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