Monday, October 27, 2008

Carnival O'Goodies

Once again, it's time for the Bloggy Giveaways Carnival!

If you're a new reader, why, welcome!
If you're a regular reader, holla.

I'll keep it short and simple. Since it was such a hit last time, I'm giving away another $5 gift card to Starbucks.

The rules are as follows:
To enter, leave me a comment, only one, with your favorite/most memorable Halloween costume. (It can be one you wore or one your kids have worn!)
I'll close comments Saturday, November 1st at 10:00 p.m. and draw a winner that night.
I'll notify the winner via email or a comment on your blog (if you have one). If you are a blogger, PLEASE be sure that your profile is set to public. If you aren't a blogger, please be sure to leave an email address. If I can't contact you, or if I don't hear back from you within 2 days, I'll have to draw another winner.
***Edited to add - You must have a U.S. mailing address to enter. Thanks!***

If you do leave a comment like, "pick me!" or "I love Starbucks!", I will delete your comment.
If you do not leave a way for me to contact you, in case you're the chosen winner, I will delete your comment.
If you leave multiple comments, I will delete the extras.

Ok, I think that's it. Oh! Remember to check back here frequently. There will be new giveaways up each day and the later they post, the fewer people will enter, which means the higher likelihood you have of winning, yea!


1 – 200 of 266   Newer›   Newest»
Deborah said...

please enter me! my family never celebrate halloween but i did dress up once as Laura Ingalls Wilder for our story character parade

Deidre said...

I am craving a White Chocolate Mocha right now, so you enticed me to enter!

In first grade mom dressed me as Little Red Riding Hood. I had the little red cape, black stockings, black shoes and basket. On dress up day at school my teacher asked me, “Where is your pitchfork?” She thought that I was the devil (along with everyone else that saw me!)

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

oops that ANONY person is me!

Mrs. Sprinkles said...

I think I was a witch with a green face for a few years in a row.

Andrea said...

One year, I found the coolest 60's style dress in my aunt's attic. It was her daughter's old dress, I begged her to lend it to me. I bought an "afro" wig, and was a "flower child." It was cool and different. I still remember it. I've got a photo around here somewhere...

Lomagirl said...

I was once Mother Goose- my legs were the goose legs, a box was the goose, and then stockings dangled over the side as Mother Goose's legs. Another year I was the upside down lady. MY father was a genius with costumes.

Lindsay said...

I dressed up as an Indian (I mean, Native American) one year. My mom made the costume and all the jewelry. It was fun!

My mouth is watering right now for a White Chocolate Mocha...

Anonymous said...

I was Tinkerbell. Definitely my favorite costume!

Melissa said...

totally inappropriate...last year, i was a pregnant prom queen. sash and all. we were with really good friends otherwise...well, i wouldn't have done it.

if you send me your email, i'll email you a pic.

fun contest!! i might do it, too!

Melissa said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Heather Joy said...

I would have to say a cheerleading outfit when I was little. :)

Amber said...

Please enter me - my most memorable Halloween costume was when I dressed up as a pumpkin as a little kid. I loved painting my face orange!

Amanda Baca said...

hmm well my family didn't really trick or treat growing up-we went to reformation day parties at church instead.hehe SO, I'll have to say that being Mary with baby Jesus as my doll was my most memorable. OR our Fresh year of college we went in barb's neighborhood and I was a Charlie's Angel. :)

mmm a pumpkin spice latte would be soo nice about now....

Unknown said...

My favorite custome was a year that I went as A mad scientist. I had so much fun putting my costume together.
Thanks for the chance.

Alicia said...

In kindergarten my mom made me a Rainbow Brite costume! It was the greatest! I'll never forget, there was another girl in my class wearing one that her mom bought and it did not even compare to mine. I still feel so much pride when I look at pictures from that Halloween.

409cope said...

Years ago when my son was about five, he was a tiger, in a costume made by his aunt. It was the cutest thing you could imagine.

Stephanie said...

I've never actually dressed up for Halloween, but for a costume party at our church one year my parents dressed me up as Babylon (Baby Lon).

Unknown said...

We don't celebrate Halloween...but I would love to enter if I'm still allowed. Thanks

Emily B said...

My favourite costume was when I made a washing machine out of an old box in grade 8. However I was really bad that year and got grounded for Hallowe'en (yes it was totally deserved!). So I never had a chance to wear it. It still goes down as my favourite costume though.

Anonymous said...

I loved dressing up as a witch with a green face and no one could recognize me.


Shea said...

My favorite would have to be last year when we got some friends and their kids together. They all pretty much screamed when we sat them on the couch for their picture, but it was fun!

Anonymous said...

Last year my newborn baby was snow white. She had very fair skin, and dark hair. And I had found a beautiful home made dress. She was so pretty. It made having a girl SO fun!

Jessica said...

last year we made our own costumes with things we had laying around the house. the kids had fun inventing, and I loved my wallet staying full

Stephanie Reed said...

A traditional costume in our family, beginning with my brother, has been the businessman. He wore an old suit and carried a briefcase. Nice and warm, and the candy went into the briefcase. In years since, whenever we had a snowy Halloween, my son went as the businessman. The most fun part was that my husband used to urge him to bring out the Briefcase of Joy and share some candy.

stef dot reed at gmail dot com

Enter my giveaway, too!

~teachmom~ said...

I remember being Wonder Woman when I was growing up, while my older brother was The Hulk. I find it amazing that characters like these and Strawberry Shortcake have made a good comeback and my kids, if they so choose, could be those things too!

mom bake 3 at gmail dot com

Jean said...

I made a scare crow costume for myself for a work halloween party. It was such a hit that I won first place in the costume contest.

koopermom said...

My most memorable costume was senior year in college when my 5 roomies and I dressed up like the Wizard of Oz. I was the Good witch. We won a contest and had loads of fuN!

Anonymous said...

I dressed like a mime on year for Halloween. My uncle taught me some "moves" and everything. I loved it at the time, but I'm absolutely sure that I was a giant dork, now.

Melissa said...

My favorite costume was "roller disco girl". LOL. Now you know what era I'm from!

parcelhome at comcast dot net

Anonymous said...
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Gina said...

I think this year is my favorite, my daughter Aria LOVES monkey's and this year is going to be one, she looks adorable!


Croasla0 said...

I was Paris hilton a few years ago. That was a hit!


Rachel said...

Yummmmy! I've been craving Starbucks!!
We haven't dressed Ali up yet, so I'll have to dig realllly deeply to remember what I was as a kid. . . let's see. . . Mom made extremely accurate Care Bear costumes for me, JC, and my cousin Scott one year. We were adorable.

Where in the World are the Powells said...

Wow Greta-you are so popular with all the comments. Well I remember when we were much younger my mom made us Indian costumes...she made them a little big so we could wear them for a few years in a row...I actually found the box of all our costumes when my parents moved a few years was fun to remember all the fun years!

Lisa said...

I dressed up as Marilyn Monroe one year that was fun. Other than that I was a cheerleader as a kid a lot or a nurse.

I would love some white hot chocolate from starbucks right now as it's very cold for Oklahoma (50's) lol.

Cynthia said...

When my son was little he went as a 101 Dalmation and I was Cruella. Thanks for entering my name.

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

My most memorable was when I wore my wonderwoman costume as a kids. Loved wonder woman!

=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

My favorite costume was something that my sisters worn, there twins so they went as salt and pepper shakers it was so adorable!

Nise' said...

I took sewing in home-ec in high scool and about 10 years later decided I could make my daughter an angel costume. What a joke! I did finish it and never made another thing. I made her be an angel in every Christmas program until she grew out of it!! I tried to get my boys to be angels too, but no go. I still have the thing hanging in my closet.

majellamom said...

For my eldest daughter's first halloween, my hubby talked me into letting him dress her and our pug dog up in matching costumes, so my sweet little 2 month old and our pug were both fire chiefs (the only storebought costume we could find in both dog and infant varieties!)

Great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I dressed up as the pink panther when I was 7.

Heather said...

My mom sewed me this incredible medieval-lady costume one Halloween... I've worn it many many times since then - she put so much effort into it, I kind of have to! ;)

MoneySavinDiva said...

When I was 2 I dressed up as an egg. It was cracked in half and the top half was worn on my head, and the bottom half was over my body. It was the cutest darn thing!

Thanks for the great giveaway!

Jill @ MoneySavinDiva

Kara said...

My favorite was a bag of jelly belly jelly beans! I wore a big, clear plastic garbage bag that I cut holes in and drew the label of the bag on and filled it with balloons. I finished by tying it up around my neck. ONLY TROUBLE.... how was I to make a bathroom break. LONG NIGHT!!! LOL College fun!

Judy said...

I went as a Christmas tree one year - that was quite memorable, especially when I sat on and broke an ornament!

Kelly said...

My most memorable is probably my least favorite...a friend and I went as a hobo, man I was looking pretty ugly to say the least!

Anonymous said...

My 3 girls were "Wizard of Oz" - Dorothy, Glinda, and the lion. They were so cute ... !
sjbraun at hotmail dot com

Lisa said...

My most memorable costume was when I was 4 I was wonder woman, I can still smell the plastic!

Kristina said...

favorite costume equals rainbow bright and punky brewster TIED....punky cause she was my idol and rainbow because it was really puffy....i looked like the marshmellow man, not like today´s rainbow bright costume, all scandalous.....

Diana Dang said...

My fave was the gingerbread lady costume!

faked_sugartone at

Andrea Cherie said...

my mom made the most adorable (and elaborate!) mice costumes for my sister and I one year. Our next door neighbor's mom also sewed her one too!

fortyb4forty said...

My favorite was when I was five I was Raggedy Ann and my sister was a ghost. She kept tripping over her sheet and dropping her candy. I was five so I scooped the candy up and put it in my bag. It was my best halloween ever.
My sister and I still laugh about this one.

The Chatty Housewife said...

I was a light blue ballerina and my mom made the costume. It was grade 1 I think! Thanks for this great chance to win! chattyhousewife(at)

Anonymous said...

A few years back I dressed up as a witch and covered my face completely in green makeup. My daughter didn't recognize me...

Susan W said...

I dressed up as a jack n the box as a kid - lots of people loved that costume! Easy to make too! Thanks for the opportunity to win this giveaway

Kathy - mom of many said...

My favorite halloween costume as a child was my Hawaiian hula girl costume. :)

Rach said...

one year my mom made me a purple dinosaur costume...that was fun!

Unknown said...

I went as Princess Leia on year. I wore a white robe thing left over from my angel costume the year before and Mom twisted my hair up on the sides of my head.

hafner611 {AT} gmail {DOT} com

Katie said...

I once went as static cling!
katiekarr at gmail dot com

WendyDarling said...

I still think my Snow White costume was the best. :-)

Stacy said...

I was a joker, the card not the guy.


Rachel Garcia, CD(DONA) said...

what the heck Greta.. seriously??? at the time i am posting this there have already been 62 comments.. i probably have that many people visit my blog in a years time!!!

Abby said...

I once dressed up as Cyndi Lauper just like she dressed in her video with the skirt made of newspaper. I liked so cool!

ajcmeyer AT go DOT com

The Caple Crew said...

My favorite costume was my daughter's last year! She was a little ducky, just learning to stand....SO CUTE!

Chantelle said...

My all time favorite costume was The Mask. It was funny! I would love to try the lime and rust remover! Awesome Giveaway! Thank you for the chance to win! :)

Hillary (Mrs. Einstein) said...

My least favorite costume ever (but most memorable) was the year my mom made me be peas in a pod. I had to wear this nasty pea-green sweatsuit with foam "peas" taped to the sweatshirt. I thought I was hideous! Though, in retrospect, it was a very clever (and low-cost) costume.

Angie said...

I once wrapped myself up in tin foil and went as a leftover! It got quite alot of laughs!

Genevieve P said...

I dressed up as a lady from Ancient Greece one year.
parknj at basicisp dot net

GeonHui's Bakery said...

Love Starbucks! I have two that stick out immediately. I was a hobo one year and Pippy Longstockings the next year... :)

Mrs. Olsen said...

My daughter was the cutest pumpkin last year for her first Halloween!

rebolsen (at)

Anonymous said...

A white chocolate mocha does sound pretty nice right about now! My most memorable Halloween costume was when I was in HS I sewed myself an octopus costume out of shiny purple material. It turned out really cool and I was so proud I had made it myself.

This year my two yr old is a dog and he loves wearing his costume around the house and pretending he's an actual dog! He's such a cutie!

Thanks for the giveaway!

Karla Cook @ Roads to Everywhere said...

I think my most memorable costume was the year I was a bank teller. All the bank employees were supposed to dress up for Halloween. I dressed as Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz. I drew some freckles on with an eyebrow pencil. (Not that Dorothy had freckles, but I was trying to look like a young girl!) The bank's vice-president was an old guy who should have been retired, and he was just delighted! After that he always called me Freckles!

Niki Jolene said...

The best ever--my parents made me a York Peppermint Patty. I won costume contests everywhere we went that year!


Enter me please!

ndisilvio at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

One year I was Jezebel..."the dog food queen" from the Bible. She got that nickname because...well, that's what she became.

I wore a crown and jewelry and a huge dog food sack.


Jessica @ Piece Of Me said...

I was Marilyn Monroe one year. Only I did the dress from "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" not the "Seven Year Itch".
livlifelov at yahoo dot com

the schros said...

one time my dad got us all dressed up as pilgrims and indians

Anonymous said...

My mom worked for an orange juice company. She brought home a large promotional-size plastic frozen orange juice container. My mom cut a hole in the center of the top and bottom and I wore that. I was orange juice! It was hilarious! Great giveaway - thanks for offering!

Crunchy Green Mom - Suzanne said...

I was Annie for two years and Wonder Woman.


Becca said...

One year I dressed up as Big Bird. I still love looking at the pictures!

Anonymous said...

My favorite costume has been a mouse costume. Not terribly exciting, but I love mice. :)

fawkesthefenix at hotmail

Lori said...

My freshmen year of college I went crazy with my Marie Antoinette costume, complete with bloody neck makeup. My then boyfriend now hubby dressed up as Bear in Blue House, because he's been ready to be a dad since forever. We looked awesome and as we went downtown. People (very drunk people) kept yelling, "there's Alf and a Mormon". We left downtown after maybe twenty minutes.


Jenn Good said...

I was raggedy anne for many many years in a row, and i didn't get sick of it!

Kira said...

My favorite costume was one I had made last year. It is a replica of the gold dress that Keira Knightley wears in the very first pirates of the caribbean movie! I received SOOOO many compliments on the is to die for!

XWildHopeX at hotmail dot com

Shalee said...

I went as Jane Doe one year, you know the unclaimed body in the morgue. I had a toe tag and all. I was a new mom and I felt dead all the time anyway, so why not put that lack of life to good use. :o) (weird writing that, but at least my friends laughed at the time.)

HilLesha O'Nan said...

I like the year I dressed up as a majorette. It was definitely something different.

lilacbutterfly [at]

PS said...

I remember dressing up like a dice one year, but the box was so big I couldn't fit in the cars or even walk!!

michelle said...

I remember dressing up as an old man one year, with an old suit, mask, etc.

michelle at northofthe49 dot com

Anonymous said...

When I was a kid, my mom made me a big, fuzzy, white bunny costume! Thanks for the memory...I had blocked that thing from my mind! :)

Anonymous said...

I made my son a costume - totally at HIS request - so he could be Thoth, the Egyptian god of writing, complete with a papier mache ibis head!

Tiffany @ Lattes And Life said...

When my daughter was around 4 or 5 she was a bumble bee. TOO cute with her little painted black nose and antenna!!! Thanks for the chance to win!
give_me_a_latte at yahoo

§wanny said...

my boys were the cutest dominoes delivery boys every one year. We had an official dominoes shirt, hat and pizza box. They collected their candy in the boxes at the door. It was the cutest thing ever!!

Melissa said...

My family didn't trick-or-treat when I was a kid, but we'd dress up for church things occasionally. Mostly I was Bible characters (Ruth, Esther, etc.), but when I got older, my best friend and I dressed as the "Gigglet Twins" - basically black clothes, crazy make up, and our hair spiked (which was interesting as mine came almost to my waist) and sprayed with some glittery color.

AudreyO said...

One of my most memorable costumes was worn by my mom. My daughter was about 2ish. My mom was dressed as a witch with a hat that came with a wig. My daughter saw her and started crying. Even taking the hat off, my mom could not convince my daughter it was ok as my mom still had makeup on.

My daughter knew the voice but was screaming.

It took her a day or two to rewarm up to my mom. My mom never did wear that costume again.

CrystalGB said...

I never dressed up for Halloween. My neice looked really cute as Tinker Bell last year.

Charlotte said...

a real fuzzy care bear costume my mom made.

Staci A said...

My son dressed up as a bug last year. It turned out to be the cutest costume. I almost wish he could still fit in it for this year! Thanks for the giveaway!


oscar the grouch garbage can and all

Meg said...

One year when I was little I was a cheerleader and remember feeling so cool!!! Too bad the costume didnt give me any coordination skills. Thanks!

Unknown said...

When my oldest son was little, I sewed a really cute clown costume for him and went all-out with the makeup, clown hair, big shoes & clown nose. I spent so much time on that costume that every kid in our family has worn it at least kids, nieces, nephews, and now my granddaughter!
Thanks for the chance to win your great giveaway!
proudyaya04 {at} yahoo {dot} com

Jessica-MomForHim said...

I don't celebrate Halloween and haven't since I was a kid....can I still enter please?

Tara said...

My son is going to be a Koala this year:-)

mommy koala at live dot com

Sandra said...

I remember my mom making me an "I Dream of Genie" costume.

owatz (AT) telus (DOT) net

CaseyDeuce said...

Ugh.. my mom dressed me up like boy george when I was 3. I'm traumatized by it. Suspenders, hat, makeup and all... Im having scary flashbacks now!!

emerzim said...

My friend dressed her toddler up as a flapper last year and it was adorable!

Wade's World said...

My sister and I just dressed up like Britney and Jamie Lynn Spears for a costume party and we won!

Deb said...

Last year my then 8yr old was the pizza delivery guy. The fun part was that the folks at our local Dominos gave him a shirt, hat and pizza box - he looked so adorable!

Here's a link to a photo of him - so cute!


Anonymous said...

I wore a pirate costume one time, it was pretty 'cute'
I would usually dress as a cute, so it was out of norm for me
KawaiiNeko2008 (at) aol (dot) com

Michelle said...

One year my parents actually made me a tiger costume for Halloween. It was completely handmade with little pads for feet, little ears, and a long tail. It was amazing and definitely my most memorable Halloween costume.

PS I am subscribing to your blog in my Google Reader solely based on the fact that you used "holla" in your post, that's awesome. :-)

Ann Marie said...

my most memorable halloween costume was a bride costume my mom made me when I was like 5 or 6...i also had a here comes the bride birthday party that obsession started early!

Unknown said...

My favorite was my 1 yr. old as Raggedy Ann. She was just so cute! Thanks for the chance to win!

Kristan said...

i dressed up as a popcorn salesman one time and people turned me away because they thought i was really trying to sell popcorn!

Camille said...

My favorite Halloween costume was a repeat for my preschool-early elementary years. It was pretty standard, just a clown costume with a big rainbow wig, but I referred to it as my "Clown Soup" and would eagerly ask my mom all year when we got to bring out the "Clown Soup.:

frugallm said...

my daughter's first Halloween I dressed up as Mary and she was my Little Lamb. We won best costume at a halloween party!

elkmeese at yahoo dot com

Lisa @ The Plain-Spoken Pen said...

When I was in college, three of my friends and I dressed up as cheap wine. We cut bottles out of cardboard and cut out a hole for our heads at the top. I was "Ripplemud", made from the purest water in the Brazos River! LOLOL

Jody said...

We love Halloween! I don't remember Halloween costumes so much, though, as we always had coats on over them! It's cold here!

Do I get points for dressing up for Renaissance faires?


Leslie Richman said...

My favorite costume and the one I keep going back to year after year is a Freudian old slip with Freudian written on it. Always fun, and easy to do!

Suzie Williams said...

My daughter was a pink dragon for her first Halloween. My mom made the costume.

Tyna said...

My fav costume was when my daughter dressed up like Tinkerbell!

punkinmama said...

My son's first costume was a baby giraffe - he was only one month old. Can't say he loved being in the costume too much, but I'll always remember it!
cgogis at yahoo dot com

Amy L said...

My most memorable Halloween costume was a Clown when I was in 5th grade. I made my own wig, big shoes, and did my own makeup. I even won a prize at a local recreation center. It was one of the last times I went trick-or-treating, which is why I think I worked so hard on the costume.

luckichicka said...

Thanks for the great giveaway! When I was maybe 6 or 7 my mom made me a bunny costume. It was a full suit I had to get into with booties to go over my shoes and bunny gloves. The only thing visible was my face. Looking back at the pictures, they are just too cute...and yes I still have the costume!

Vinyl Rocks My World said...

Last year, I went with my roommate as the Green Monkeys from Legends of the Hidden Temple! It was such a hit! :O)

lilbabypug said...

my son dressed up as a newspaper once. it was the most original and best made winner at a local contest. not to mention he was just adorable.

Jenny said...

I dressed my daughter as a Chick-Fil-A cow last year (with a little "eat mor chikin" sign) and it was hilarious!


Betsy said...

When I was a kid I wore my dad's flannel shirt and jeans. I shoved a pillow to make a big belly. I guess I was a hobo, I just remember constantly pulling up the pillow all night long!

Crayl said...

I was a big bad wolf once, and my date for the evening was a lumberjack, it was fun. Thanks for a chance.

Becca Ann said...

When my daughter was 12 months old she was the cutest little witch one has ever seen.. She had short bright orange hair and her black hat was see through so you could see her hair and her costume was black and orange the skirt was poofy. she won many costume contests that year!

HeatherLow said...

The cutest was my daughter's first halloween, she was a little cow. too

Anonymous said...

Please enter me!
One Year my older sister and i dressed up as the pink ladies from Grease! it was fun!!


Natalie said...

I'll be posting one of my most memorable Halloween costumes on Friday. It was 1999, I was a junior in college and my roommates and I dressed up as the Backstreet Boys. We're a bunch of nerds! LOL!

scblog at hotmail dot com

Jackie said...

We don't really do Halloween around here, but this year my baby is dressing up as a little princess for a party...I'm thinking she'll be pretty darn cute, even if it's not original. :)

Melissa B. said...

When I was ten, my mom dressed me in green leotards and put big yellow felt petals around my face. I was a sunflower.

Marin said...

This wasn't my costume, but my brother's. He had an artistic friend make a huge paper mache head, wore his Seattle Mariner's jersey & little league pants and was an Ichiro bobble head. It was a great costume. My one year old is bald so he was Charlie Brown this year. SO cute.

Ren said...

When my son was a newborn, he reminded me of a turtle. So last Halloween, that's exactly what he was. And a cute turtle at that.

peony paperie said...

My brother and I were crayola crayons one year...I may try it with my kids soon.

michelleharrod at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

My mom used to make all my costumes,my fav was this awesome silk clown,Loved it!

Qtpies7 said...

Halloween isn't something we celebrate now, but I did go as a kid. I barely remember it, but I did go as a pregnant lady one year. Turned out prophetic, as that is my favorite state to be, lol. I only have 7 kids... I could go for being pregnant a couple more times.

noreen said...

My Mom made me a bat costume with huge wings!!

Anonymous said...

I remember dressing up as Animal from The Muppet Show. That was one hot mask!

Unknown said...

my son's tigger costume (which i hope will fit this yr too!) was just so adorable

Reva Skie said...

I was a pretty hot catwoman a few years back

CC said...

When my son was 2 he was the cutest little frog EVER.

Unknown said...

As a kid I remember I loved my California Costume. . .I think I wore it for two years!


Anonymous said...

One year my daughter decided to be a palm tree. We wrapped her in brown fabric and stuck palm fronds behind her head. We still talk it at family gatherings!


Mommy 2 Monkeys said...

I would say ladybug since that's going to be my daughter's first costume.

ahiltz said...

My Mom had made some of our Halloween costumes when I was a kid (over 30 yrs. ago!) and they were awesome! She was a really good sewer! Wish I was as crafty as she was! My favorite was a colonial styled dress! Thanks so much for doing this for us!

Denise said...

My 1st son's 1st Halloween costume was a baby bat. He looked adorable sucking on a huge sucker from grandma! Thanks.

Cherie J said...

My favorite costume was when I dressed up as a Goddess as a teenager. I felt so pretty in my homemade costume.


Kristy said...

My favorite Halloween costume was a Sock Hop Girl.

Ginny said...

My favorite costume was one of my oldest daughters. It was a dance costume & we turned her into a doll. We did pigtails & big rosy cheeks & mary janes. It was really cute & we got to use an expansive costume that would have only been worn at recital :)

Anonymous said...

One of my favorite pictures from my childhood is a Halloween where I was dressed as an angel and my older brother was the devil. My mother made the costumes and we looked adorable

Unknown said...

when my son was five... where ever he got the notion... he wanted to be a crow for halloween. I am not the usual crafty person, but I managed to sew him a costume, sewed hundreds of felt feathers all over, bought a black baseball hat and put googly eyes on the front of it. He was adorable!

Sarah said...

I remember dressing up as a witch once. Complete with green face. This year my girls will be batgirl and a monkey.

Anonymous said...

Favorite costume when I was a kid was a last-minute one my mom pulled together...seemed like magic to me. From an old skirt and ruffly shirt and a pointy witches hat she made me into a spanish dancer complete with plastic rose for my mouth! Thank you for the giveaway. guill888 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

one year I dressed up as a boombox. I even played music.

My stepdad made it for me, and it was SO COOL!

bren j. said...

I don't remember what I was from the neck down, but from the neck up, I was Mighty Mouse and I was 6. It was AWESOME!

Anonymous said...

Tweety bird when I was around 3. I probably remember because my mom has a picture on the wall of this. It is in a collection of old pictures.

katherine said...

i had an obsession with superman. that's who i was when i was five. good times.
thanks for the chance to win!

michaelandkatherine [at] gmail

Becky said...

My favorite halloween costumes were the cheerleader ones...since I seemed to be one almost every year..

Jenna said...

Somewhere in my second or third grade, I had a Halloween fantasy. I just KNEW I had to be Princess Leia! I constantly imagined wooing my friends as I unveiled the homemade Princess Leia costume. Boy, would they be impressed...and surprised when we put on our costumes for our parade!!! I arrived at school and quickly my bubble burst as someone said, "Look at Jenna's hair! She's going to be Princess Leia!!" Yep. The side buns gave me away. Still, was a great year. Definitely better than when my mom dressed me up as a lion in the fourth grade.

Nissa said...

My mom made me a genie (Jeanie) costume in the 5th grade. It was awesome. It was the beginning of my boy crazy days & it caugh the attention of my crush. :) (It wasn't risque or anything!)My mom is awesome.

Michele P. said...

as a joke with my girlfriend in high school, we both dressed up as ladies of the evening and walked up and down Main St. boy that was a night I will never forget! (yes, mom was watching to make sure all was well, it was a dare we had to do for school friends!)

micaela6955 at msn dot com

toohotforturtle said...

My son went as Dexter from Dexter's lab. We made his costume and he looked so adorable

Emily Jennings said...

I loved being Punky Brewster...I felt so cool.

Unknown said...

Okay, this isn't what I wore, but as a little girl, I remember my parents dressing up as Bumble Bees! I remember thinking they looked so BIG. I still think it's hilarious! :)
frog123 (at) cyipcom (dot) net

Katrina said...

I remember when I was like 8, my mom made a butterfly costume. It was the best!

eyeslikesugar said...

I loved my Pippi Longstocking Halloween costume when I was a kid. We even dyed my hair red, and put clothes hangers in my braids to make them stick out. :)

How fantastic! Thank you for this giveaway; I hope I win :)
eyeslikesugar (at) gmail (dot) com

Pam's Pride said...

I was the headless horseman in third grade!! I thought it was the best costume ever!

Carol said...

Thanks for a great giveaway. I loved my older cousins and they got a kick out of dressing me up as a clown one year for halloween.


Amber said...

When my middle son was 3 months old, I found an Ice Cream Cone costume for infants. I found this little cap with a red pom pom on top, so it looked like he had a cherry on top. It was really cute. Unfortunately, that year it ended up being about 80 degrees on Halloween, so he didn't wear the costume very long!

Anonymous said...

I dressed as a pioneer girl.

mer@lifeat7000feet said...

Hey, do you really love Mr. Pibb? Because I do's WAY better than Dr. Pepper! LOL!

I remember dressing up as a witch in kindergarten. It's memorable because after that, my parents got all religious and never let us dress up again. *sad*

PastormacsAnn said...

Years ago our family went as characters from the wizard of oz - the tin man, dorothy, the cowardly lion, and auntie em and our booth for the harvest festival was pin the button on the scarecrow. fun.


Anonymous said...

My costumes were never very memorable because I was always a devil or a witch, but I never had the accessories lol

raspberrykitty at aol dot com

Sarah said...

my son has had only 2 halloweens. First he was a brown bear and then Roo.

Dumaurier said...

One time my Dad took us to a real costume shop and we picked out really beautiful princess costumes....Thats was special!

msrodeobrat said...

when i was little i was a dalmation and it has alway sbeen my favorite costume

Re said...

my son is pablo from teh backyardigans

thanks for a generous giveaway. I hope i'm the lucky winner!!

Anonymous said...

My favorite Halloween costume was the green frog handsewn costume my son wore when he was younger. Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

My favorite costume was a werewolf. Complete with fake hair that my mom had to tediously glue on :D


Molly C. said...

My fave for my kids,was prob when they were Legos, that I made.

Anonymous said...

I once went as a red crayon. My mother sewed the costume for me.

Smellyann said...

I remember this bunny costume we had. My sister and I took turns wearing it for years!!

Anonymous said...

One year I was Morticia from the Adam's family, we made it out of graduation gowns if I recall correctly. My parents did a lot of sewing. I already had the hair. It was awesome.

Libby Design said...

I grew up in a pretty conservative Baptist home, so we didn't celebrate "Halloween", but my parents always let us have a "harvest party" with friends from church. I remember one year I dressed up as a roll of toilet paper...I looked like a gigantic marshmallow!! :)

Jodi said...

i was a little old granny once, and one time a scarecrow, those were both fun and great costumes.

Once for a church harvest party, I dressed my son (then 5 years old) up as Caleb from the Bible, but people thought he was the fruit of the loom guy, because I did a huge thing of grapes on his back lol.


aahcoffee said...

I dressed up as a Southern Belle when I was 12. Hair all done up on top of my head, cameo brooch, lace highneck blouse, full skirt....the works.

Kristen said...

I always remember the cute pirate costume my mom threw together for me when I was five. It really was cute.

Katie said...

My favorite was when I was a butterfly. Thanks katie_mmartin at yahoo dot com.

. said...

My daughter is going to be elmo this year and i can't wait!!

tracywas said...

When I was 4, my mother moved us away from all of our family and friends. To cheer me up she handmade a beautiful tiger costume. It has shredded over the years, but it remains one of my favorite memories.

rlgrady said...

My favorite costume was when my daughter's Brownie troop dressed like bags of jelly beans for the local parade.


Kirby McCauley said...

My favorite is the one I have for this year: Anne Boleyn *post* beheading!

Fiddle D. Dee said...

My oldest is going as Ms. Smartie Pants! We are pinning smarties to her pants!! Sweet & Simple!

Gina @ MoneywiseMoms said...

I made a skeleton costume the NIGHT before (I was a 1st grade teacher) using black clothes and gloves and white contact paper. I was up all night, but it turned out great!

Anonymous said...

Growing up in the mid to lat 70's we had those wonderful full plastic-slip-over-your-head costume with the mask. I was Strawberry Shortcake one year. Wow costumes have come a long way.
Thanks for the chance to win.
mcginnis135 at bellsouth dot net

Unknown said...

I have never dressed up for Halloween, but I still love me some starbucks!!

parresia03 (at) gmail (dot) com

Chief Family Officer said...

My favorite costume when I was a kid was a bunny costume that was furry all over. I think it was actually too warm to wear most years, but it was a hand me down from a friend that was too big the first year, so I think I managed to get three years out of it! It was really soft, which was the best part.

Thank you for the giveaway!

Carrie said...

I would love a little latte about now! My fovorite costume from when I was little was an ET costume my mom made. She did an awesome job using fabric! I still think about it every Halloween. Thanks for the offer!

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